Upcoming Events
We host a teen mental health support group in partnership with both Rancho Brazos Community Centers and Ruth’s Place Outreach Center.
This is a time for youth and young adults in our community to come together to share their stories in a safe environment.
We talk about topics like: anxiety, depression, grief, loss, suicide, addiction, coping skills, bullying, and more.
T.E.E.N.S Nights
Rancho Group Details:
Every Monday
6P-7P (Middle & High School meet at 4:45)
Meal is provided
Everyone is Welcome!
Ruth’s Place Group Details:
2ND & 4TH Mondays of the month
Meal is provided
Everyone is Welcome!
Teen Court
Teen Court is for youth ages 10-17 who receive Class C citations in Hood County. Teens have a way to adjudicate this citation from their record by completing community service hours. They also have a chance to divert another teen by coming back and serving on the jury. Teen Court is approved and follows Section 45.052 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure and Section 54.032 of the Texas Family Code.
Teen Court is scheduled for the third Thursday of each month. Teen Court ONLY happens during the school year. There is NO Teen Court held during the summer months (June, July, & August).